“The world demands results, don't explain the pains of childbirth, show it the child”
- Indira Gandhi -
International Conference proceedings
National Conference proceedings
M. Chavoutier, H. Ajrouche, Y. Petit., Composition, geometry and polarization influences on spectroscopic properties of Yb-doped LLnB (Ln= Y, Gd) monoclinic crystals, SPIE 8959, Solid State Lasers XXIII: Technology and Devices, 89591M, doi:10.1117/12.2039496, 2014
M. Chavoutier, H. Ajrouche, Y. Petit, et al., First evidence of polarization influence on emission efficiency in Yb-doped LLnB (Ln= Y, Gd) laser crystals submitted Manuscript ID: 198937 Optical Materials Express, 2017.
A. Cessou, F. Guichard, H. Ajrouche, A. Lo, 1D single-shot thermography by Spontaneous Raman Scattering in turbulent, spray or oxyfuel flames, Imaging and Applied Optics 2018 (3D, AO, AIO, COSI, DH, IS, LACSEA, LS&C, MATH, pcAOP), Technical Digest Optical Society of America, 2018
H. Ajrouche, O. Nilaphai, C. Hespel, F. Foucher, Impact of nitric oxide on n-heptane and n-dodecane autoignition in a new high-pressure and high-temperature chamber, proceeding of the combustion institute, 37, 2018.
O. Nilaphai, H. Ajrouche, C. Hespel, F. Foucher, C. Mounaïm Rousselle, Validation of the New One Shot Engine (NOSE) as Set up to Characterize ECN Spray A – Part A: non reactive, Atomization and sprays, 2018
O. Nilaphai, H. Ajrouche, C. Hespel, F. Foucher, C. Mounaïm Rousselle, Validation of the New One Shot Engine (NOSE) as Set up to Characterize ECN Spray A – Part B: reactive, Atomization and sprays, 2018
A. Cessou, F. Guichard, H. Ajrouche, A. Lo, 1D single-shot thermography by Spontaneous Raman Scattering in turbulent, spray or oxyfuel flames, Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis, 2018
H. Ajrouche, O Nilaphai, C Hespel, F Foucher, Impact of nitric oxide on n-heptane and n-dodecane autoignition in a new high-pressure and high-temperature chamber, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (3), 3319-3326, 2019
M.B. Houidi, C. Hespel, M. Bardi, O. Nilaphai, L.M. Malbec, J. Sotton, H. Ajrouche, Characterization of the ECN spray A in different facilities. Part 1: boundary conditions characterization, Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 75, 35, 2020
C. Hespel, M.B. Houidi, H. Ajrouche, F. Foucher, Y. Haidous, B. Moreau, Characterization of the ECN spray A in different facilities. Part 2: Spray vaporization and combustion,Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 75, 78, 2020
S. Pardhi, A. Deshmukh, H. Ajrouche, Modelling and simulation of detailed vehicle dynamics for development of innovative powertrainsInternational Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 5 (3), 244-253, 3, 2021
S. Pardhi, A. Deshmukh, H. Ajrouche, Modelling of detailed vehicle dynamics and quantitative impact of electric motor placement on regenerative braking, International Journal of Vehicle Performance 9 (1), 16-40, 2023
H. Ajrouche, A. Lo, P. Vervisch, A. Cessou., Accuracy of 1D single-shot thermometry in flames by Spontaneous Raman Scattering through a fast electro-optical shutter and CCD detection, submitted to Journal of Applied Optics
H. Ajrouche, A. Lo, P. Vervisch, A. Cessou. Concentration measurements of CO in flames by spontaneous Raman scattering, in preparation